Kivi’s (Wave of Energy)

Wave of Energy is an off track Thoroughbred that Peaceful Acres Horses saved from slaughter in 2016. Wave of Energy was a successful racehorse and also show horse prior to finding herself in a scary – fear-filled pen as a “direct ship horse” to slaughter. She was found by Peaceful Acres Horses in an auction barn just prior to shipping to be inhumanly slaughtered for human consumption. Once at PAH her life saver (someone who donates a horse’s bail money to escape slaughter) changed her name to Kivi and she began healing from her physical and emotional wounds. Kivi is visually impaired but that does not limit her spunk, silliness and gentleness to everyone who meets her. Kivi is a forever horse at PAH because of her physical limitations and her need for special care and stabling. Kivi is a beautiful Thoroughbred mare who was given a life of love, compassion and care thanks to Peaceful Acres Horses’ compassionate retirement program.