Donate to Support the Rescue Organization

Please use our links to view our current fundraising campaigns:

Thank you, Charitable Contributors to Peaceful Acres Horses, Inc!

Peaceful Acres Horses inc. is a nonprofit charitable organization  EIN: 262219064

Autumn & Winter are especially challenging times of year for maintaining the Peaceful Acres facilities for People and Horses. Please considering supporting us through these seasons and year-round if you are able. The buttons above will bring you to our current fundraising campaign pages where you can read more and make your donation. 

Becoming a sustaining PAH Contributor is one way to make the biggest positive impact possible for the animals in the care of the sanctuary. One-time donations are also appreciated! Thank you for your support and dedication to the rescued animals.

Prefer to mail a donation? Our mailing address is:

Peaceful Acres Horses 3740 Rynex Corners Rd

Pattersonville, NY 12137

PAH rescued horses who suffered extreme neglect, including years with no farrier care. Through the generosity of people like you, we were able to provide the care and relief from neglect that turned things around for horses like Jasper. 

Allie worked hard for people for many years, but was abused and neglected until she became a thin and shy shell of who she once was.  Through your support and PAH’s expert care team, Allie was able to know what love, friendship and access to great nutrition felt like.

Below are some other life-sustaining donor options:

(One-time donations in any amount are also always welcomed and appreciated!)

"PAH Member" $25/month

General Peaceful Acres Horses, Inc. community member – supports rescued horses’ and donkeys’ daily care.

"Feed Partner" $42/month

Our most popular giving option is a Feed Partner. This monthly support helps to provide Hay & Grain for your chosen rescued horse, donkey, mini, mule or goat – or you can be a Feed Partner to whichever animals are in-need of one! Feed costs are a large part of sustaining the equine welfare sanctuary.

"Farrier/Hoof-Trim & Care" $55/month

Equines’ hooves continue to grow, so regular trimming by a professional Farrier is part of keeping the animals healthy, safe and comfortable. Please help PAH to pay our incredible farrier by sponsoring a rescued horse or donkey.

"Care Sponsor" $95/month

Supports the Care & Feed of your chosen rescued equine. This contribution is incredibly helpful in our efforts to provide long-term care for the horses and donkeys.

"Champion Sponsor" $5,000 Annually

Provides the Care & Feed for a chosen rescued animal for the year. Securing this care is tremendously generious, helpful and encouraging to Team PAH. Knowing that a horse, donkey, mini or mule is convered in-part, or fully for a year puts the wind in our sails and gives us the funds to do what we do best.

"Sustainability Partner" $9,000 Annually

Provides the much needed financial support for the general Care & Maintenance Fund. The upkeep of the facility is costly and staying on top of the maintenance, repairs and supplies is a huge part of being successful in our mission to provide a stable place for people  and horses.

"Veterinary Care Sponsor" $1,000

Includes general, sustaining and emergency critical Vetrinary Care. Horses need a doctor too! A fact about being the home to rescued horses, is that many of them came to us as neglected, abused or senior animals, so they require specialized care to carry out the promise to care for them for the rest of their days and be their Stable Place. Please help PAH to pay our incredible Vet.

The costs are high for sustaining a life-saving, and life-changing non-profit rescue sanctuary organization. The cost of not sustaining it are even higher. When active rescue is taking place, there is an excitement and heroic journey that we all love to hear and be a part of. While this is a valued part of being a rescue organization, the work doesn’t end there. Here at PAH, our mission is to keep our promises to those who have been saved, and given a second chance at a life filled with respect, care and often a new and meaningful purpose. We hope you will be a part of this much-needed and valuable mission. If you have questions and are not finding an answer on our website, please call the office or email us. 

Check our Contact Us page for details.